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Unions 21

Strategy for Unions


This course is for officers in unions who are responsible for devising or delivering a union strategy or or those wishing to move into this field. It will cover the broad aspects of strategy development and offer insights into the practical application for unions. With Becky Wright, Executive Director of Unions 21 and Rob Yeldham, Director of Strategy, Policy and Engagement, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

- Explain what strategy is

- Distinguish the difference between strategy and tactics

- Construct a strategic plan

The course will be conducted over two sessions:

Session 1 - 10am-12pm 14/7

Session 2 - 10am-12pm 21/7

Upon signing up on the Eventbrite participants will be sent a direct link to our google classroom from our executive director at where we will conduct the training.