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Unions 21

Unions 21 Masterclass 'Creating a digital plan which meets your strategic aims'

If you're interested in learning more about 'Creating a digital plan', you might want to read 'Member engagement doesn’t work in isolation' by Vic Barlow and our blog 'Refining digital strategy'by Duncan Robertson

Union colleagues have been testing new ways of reaching members, particularly using online channels. As the time comes to consider going back to work, it’s also time to think how we can transfer what we’ve been learning into your overarching union strategy.

How can unions use their experiences of reaching members over digital channels to improve their operational plans and help meet their union’s strategic aims?

Starting with an overview of strategic aims, we’ll explore how you can reach your audiences through firstly understanding their needs and secondly using the channels which work best for them.

Watch the Unions 21 webinar on creating a digital plan to meet your strategic aims with Vic Barlow, communications and membership consultant, and Duncan Robertson, digital and social media expert, both with long-standing experience of working with trade unions.