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Unions 21

Unions 21 Masterclass 'Member engagement: they've joined, but will they stay?'

If you're interested in learning more about member engagement, you might want to read 'Member engagement doesnt work in isolation' by Vic Barlow and 'Engaging members in new ways' by Andrew Pakes and Christina Colclough

Recruitment takes up unions' time and money, yet how much resource is spent on retention? This masterclass looks at practical ways to engage with members from the point of join to renewal, including when and how to communicate with them, what to say, and how to intervene before they cancel.

It will cover:

  • What does member engagement look like?

  • What does relevant content look like?

  • What does behaviour insight look like?

Watch our webinar with Victoria Barlow and Alex tanner on 'Member engagement' below.

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