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Become a Unions 21 Fellow!

By Unions 21 | 2 min

Are you a union staff member and looking for more professional development? Apply to be one of Unions 21's 2017 Fellows! This is a secondment training programme and therefore open to paid union staff who work for a Unions 21 supporter union or are an individual supporter. Each fellow will work with the Director and a Senior Fellow on one of our three key projects for 2017/18. They are:

  • Young Professional Workers and the Economy. This project will be working to put together a series of 'citizens' assemblies of young activists across the wider political movement to give feedback on our research and to gain views about how young workers experience union activist structures. The fellow will also help to put together our launch conference on the topic.

  • Getting Workplace Ready for Brexit. The fellow will be assisting our Senior Fellow to work with unions to develop best practice guidelines for unions on preparing for all possible Brexit scenarios plus organising a series of events for unions and other stakeholders on the issue.

  • The Future of Unions. Working with the Senior Fellow for this project, the fellow will be undertaking research interviews, surveys and a literature review on the topic.

For more information, you can download the application pack or contact Becky Wright on

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