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Unions 21
| Podcast

Bite-size Masterclass 5: Unions And Good Governance with Claire Sullivan

Episode length: 17:30:00

Good governance is at the heart of all organisations and unions are no different. It is, literally, the difference between success and failure.

In the fifth and final Unions21 bite-sized masterclass, Claire Sullivan from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy talks about what her union has done to ensure its structures do not just reflect members’ priorities, but also empowers them.

There is expert analysis from Becky Wright, SPERI’s Tom Hunt, and Simon Sapper. We welcome the support of the University of Sheffield's Political Economy Research Institute, known as SPERI, and Beyond Trafficking and Slavery on openDemocracy. (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery is non-profit project combining clear writing with rigourous scholarship to help everyone better understand exploitation in the world of work. Find out more at

Music courtesy of Photocredit: CSP. A Makes-you-Think production.

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