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Ed Miliband tells Unions21 his 5 point plan for the economy

By | 2 min

Writing in the Unions21 New Year edition of ForeFront the leader of the opposition, Ed Miliband, sets out his vision for a more responsible, productive capitalism.

Criticising Cameron's policies as "hurting, not working" the Labour leader put forward his plans for creating a new direction for our economy.

He stated that we need to:

1) Refound the relationship between finance and the real economy so that the banks stand behind – rather than turn away from – business investing for the long term.

2) Change the way boards bend to the demands of institutional investors impatient for quick returns.

3) Tackle the inadequacies of our system of skills in the UK, particularly vocational skills with a something-for-something deal between government, business and employees.

4) Demand commitment to responsibility at the top - as well as at the bottom of society - including changing who makes decisions over directors’ pay.

5) Recognise that it does not make economic sense to allow large concentrations of unaccountable private power which operate as vested interests or predators but do not work in the interests of the country.

This economic manifesto shows how the values of the Union movement such as "responsibility, fairness, concern for each other can be put back at the heart of the way we run our country and create a different way of living together."

He want this 5 point plan to "help build an economy which can pay its way in the world by building a more prosperous place to live where we reward contribution and respect talent, not privilege."

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