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Unions 21
| Blog post

Lead for Unions - Andy Burnham

By | 2 min

We asked each Labour leadership candidate to write for the blog, here is Andy Burnham's contribution:

While I am proud of what Labour achieved in Government, we became dangerously disconnected from ordinary people. My background and my experience make me best placed to reconnect Labour with its roots and bring our Labour family together.

As Health Secretary, I worked closely with the unions to get the best for the NHS. As Labour leader, I will build on this experience to support and strengthen the trade union link. There should be closer ties between the Party and the wider Labour movement, not just at the top of the Party, but throughout our structures, from the constituencies up.

I will listen to the unions, something we didn’t do enough in government. If we had listened on issues such as agency workers and corporate manslaughter, we may have avoided some of our mistakes and made it easier to show working people that Labour is on their side.

Under my leadership, the top-down, London-centric approach that was the hallmark of New Labour will end. I respect and trust our members, bringing debate back to Conference and trusting members to choose their own candidates.

I will bring forward the ideas that will reinforce Labour values and inspire the next generation:

- Helping kids with out connections by supporting comprehensive education and vocational training and ensuring all internships are paid.

- Establishing a National Credit Union to give families access to the banking services others take for granted, enabling them to get lower utility tariffs and shutting down loan sharks.

- Taking the fear out of getting older by setting up the National Care Service, giving older people the care they need and peace of mind to their families.

Experience, passion, inspiration: that’s what I bring to this leadership race, that’s what will take Labour back to government and that’s why I ask for your first preference.

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