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Unions 21
| Blog post

Managing Brexit released

By Becky Wright, Director Unions 21 | 1 min

Brexit looms large in our political and economic discourse and will continue to do so for a long time to come. There are many answers being sought and unions, much like any other organisation operating in the current climate, are considering how best to prepare themselves for whatever type of Brexit that will eventually be delivered.

In order to assist unions in preparing for Brexit, Unions 21 has created this toolkit with the aim to provide some prompts and suggestions on how a union can best prepare – from big picture strategy and bargaining to contracts and training. This document will encourage you to think about big issues from your union’s perspective. Right now, we’re asking the questions that unions need to consider; this toolkit does not provide all of the answers.

No matter the size or scope of your union, the details given here will provide your union with the space to think about what you need to make the best of Brexit. Want to know more about it? Listen to our latest podcast!

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