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Trade Union Group of Labour MPs Bulletin for week ending 28 October 2010

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This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors. It is intended to keep trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Parliament that are of importance to the trade union movement. See links below for further details.

House of Commons


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill:5th day of Committee stage. Readmore...

Postal Services Bill: Second Reading. Readmore...

See the full list of Billshere...


  • Future of Newport Passport Office:the campaign against the closure, led by the Public and Commercial Services Union on behalf of the workers, has united the whole community in Newport. See Jessica Morden MP's adjournment debatehere...

  • Regeneration of Coalfield Communities:see Lisa Nandy MPs, first Westminster Hall debate. Read more...

  • Housing: impact of Government policies and the Comprehensive Spending Review on housing investment and supply. See Nick Raynsford MP's debate here...

  • Work Capability Assessments: see Natasha Engel MPs debate here...

  • Comprehensive Spending Review.

Committee News.

See all Committees listedhere...


  • Transport: see all questions from Thursdayhere...

  • Scotland: see all questions from Wednesdayhere...

  • Women and Equalities: see all questionshere...

Early Day Motions (EDMs)

EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by Government.

Recently tabled EDMs:

See the full list of EDMs here...

Parliament Live TV -

See live and archived coverage of all UK Parliament proceedings taking place in public, including the Queen's speech.See here...(latest version 11 of Windows Media Player will be needed to access).

House of Lords


Superannuation Bill: Second reading of the Bill regarding the Civil Service compensation Scheme.Read more...


Health: Spending review 2010.

Prisons: Population -Government plans to reduce the prison population.


Higher Education: funding -debate following Lord Browne's Report.


Healthcare: calling attention to the Government's policy on patient-led healthcare, the focus on clinical outcomes and the role of health professionals.Read more...

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