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Trade Union Parliamentary Update

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House of Commons

LegislationPensions Bill:remaining stages. Read more…See the full list of Bills here…Ministerial StatementsHealth:Government's Strategic Vision for Volunteering. Read more… See the statement on the NHS Blood and Transport Commercial Review. Read more…Communities and Local Government:Planning. Read more…DebatesHillsborough Disaster:Steve Rotheram, MP for Liverpool Walton, called for the full disclosure of all Government-related documents, including Cabinet minutes, relating to the 1989 Hillsborough disaster in this debate. Read more…Tower Hamlets: see Jim Fitzpatrick MP’s debate on city status bid for Tower Hamlets here…Energy Prices:see the Shadow Secretary of State Caroline Flint MP’s opposition debate here…National Planning Policy Framework:see the Shadow Secretary of State Hilary Benn MP’s and other contributions to the debate here…QuestionsEducation:see all questions here…Health:see all questions here… CommitteesEducation:the MPs say the Government response on the Youth Services Report only partially addresses their concerns. Read more…Health:the Committee is to look at continuing Social Care. Read more…See all Committees listed here… Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by the Government.

See the full list of EDMs here…

Parliament Live TVWatch PM Question Time, Committees and parliamentary debates online here...

House of Lords

LegislationEducation Bill:1st day of the Report stage. Read more…Localism Bill:7th day of the Report stage. Read more…Welfare Reform Bill:Committee stage. Read 5th day here… Read 6th day here…

QuestionsSure Start: see the debate which followed on from the question on children’s’ centres here…Shipping:working conditions. Read more…

See all Business in the House of Lords here...

Next week in Westminister

House of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…

Scottish Parliament For updates on the Scottish Parliament see here...Other Business

Pensions:Brendan Barber, General Secretary of the TUC and Dave Prentis, General Secretary of Unison, came to speak to the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs this week to give the MPs an update on negotiations with the Government. See the briefing circulated to MPs here...See the latest from the TUC here...

This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin which is produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and is sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors.The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years, based in Westminster , it aims to act as a bridge between MPs and unions.The bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Westminster that are of importance to the trade union movement.

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