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Unions 21
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Unions 21 supports capacity building in Western Balkans

By Unions 21 | 2 min

On May 21-22, 2024, our Executive Director, Becky Wright, delivered a pivotal capacity building training session in Prishtina, Kosovo, aimed at empowering these organisations with essential skills.

This was the first part of two modules and online training and covered building membership bases and engaging and recruiting volunteers.

Unions 21 is set to deliver a follow-up module in September 2025, focusing on engagement and campaigning. This upcoming training will delve into understanding approaches to connect with members and volunteers in impactful campaigns, ensuring their voices are heard and their causes advanced.

Participants will also take part in online learning through our partnership with the Howspace platform.

Unions 21 support for capacity building

Unions 21’s capacity building support for unions has a real, positive impact. We offer:

  • Expertise and Experience: With colleagues from within the trade union movement, across a range of specialties, Unions 21 brings a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in building tomorrow’s unions.

  • Tailored Training Programmes: We customise training to address the specific needs and challenges of each union, ensuring relevant and actionable outcomes.

  • Ongoing Support: Our commitment to our unions extends beyond initial training sessions. We offer continued guidance and support to help unions implement and sustain their new appraoches effectively.

For more information about our training programs and how Unions 21 can assist your union, please contact us at

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