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Unions 21
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Unions21 announces it’s first Labour Party Conference event

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Margaret Thatcher is the only British Prime Minister to give her name to an ‘ism’. Many commentators argue that the economic revolution she set in train across the world has remained dominant to this day.

Deregulation and privatisation, pillars of Thatcherism – are the pillars of the Conservative led Coalition’s economic strategy.

The challenge to unions is to create an alternative vision that is as desirable as it is feasible. Frances O’Grady said recently that only when we see workers elected on to company boards will we know that we have finally broken from the kind of capitalism that she championed.

The Unions21 steering board has chosen as the title for it’s Labour Party Conference Sunday evening fringe meeting: Thatcher, Thatcherism, Unions – Past, Present, Future?

We pose the question: Can a union vision of fair and high quality work replace Thatcherism?

Sunday 22nd September 8.15 PM – 9.30 PM

Castor & Pollux Beach Front Gallery, 165 Kings Road Arches, Brighton

Speakers: Kay Carberry Assistant General Secretary of the TUC, Owen Jones – Writer and commentator. Others TBC

To attend please RSVP to Visit the event page here

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