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Unions 21
| Blog post

Updating Union Image

By | 2 min

The way unions are represented in the media is a justifiable concern as we enter a period when their time under the spotlight is growing.

At a time when union reaction to the recession and cuts is getting more coverage, the number of reports, articles and features across the media which demonstrate more than a limited idea of what unions are, what they do and why they do it, seems to be in decline.

There was a time when nearly all national newspapers had multiple industrial correspondents, now only PA do. Now unions are too often characterised in the press as things of the past, as dinosaurs or carthorses. Never mind that today’s typical union member is a graduate woman professional.

There is the misunderstanding that Labour is the political wing of the unions, a misrepresentation that General Secretaries from the non-Labour-affiliated unions must be particularly tired of having to point out to reporters.

So what to do?

Updating the image of the movement is one of the biggest union challenges.

Unions 21 polling evidence suggests that there is an enduring belief in the benefits of the collective strength of unions, but that 36% of workers think trade unions are old fashioned.

Our programme of work, starting with the event: Are the media too cynical about unions?Will look at how reporters could improve their coverage but will also ask what unions can do to ensure their images are fully up-to-date and working effectively.

We are also hoping to talk to young people about their perceptions of unions and how communication could be improved for the movement's New Generation. To get involved, drop me an email.

Dan Whittle, Director

Unions21 does not have policy but publishes blog items to stimulate debate on issues.

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