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Westminster Bulletin for week ending 15 September 2011

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LegislationSee the full list of Bills here…Ministerial StatementsChancellor:Independent Banking Commission Report. Read more…Transport:Maritime and Coastguard Agency: the Minister announced publication of the MCA Business Plan. Read more… See the plan here…Work and Pensions:DWP Administration: see the Minister’s statement here…Energy:Oil Release (Gannet Field): see the statement here…Home Office:Voluntary Gender Equality Reporting: see the statement here…Business, Innovation and Skills:National Minimum Wage. Read more… DebatesSwanseaCoastguard:see Martin Caton MP’s adjournment debate here…GazaAid:see Michael Connarty MP’s debate here…Regulating ownership of the media:see Graham Allen MP’s debate here…QuestionsScotland:see all questions, including one question on Remploy’s operations. Read moreTransport:see all questions, including a question on Rolling Stock Contracts and Bombardier. Read all…Palestineand the United Nations. Read more…CommitteesBusiness, Innovation and Skills: Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property. Watch here…See all Committees listed here… Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by the Government.

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