Good work and jobs should be the cornerstone of the UK economy and not just an aspiration of the trade union movement. Unlike other civic institutions, unions are best placed to work to improve working lives. Under this theme, we will be exploring how unions can improve the employment experience of all working people.
Current project
Brexit - Getting Workplace Ready
This project will work to highlight the benefit and value of unions in these uncertain times, placing us squarely as a force to maintain and increase ‘Good Work’ with in the UK. It seeks to influence politicians, employers and unions to demonstrate:
The use of unions as a valuable resource planning for Brexit
The need for productive and collaborative consultation (and where appropriate negotiation) on workplace issues resulting from the changes
The benefit for unions to undertake ‘Brexit proofing’ exercises where necessary
Past project
A review the proposed political and industrial mechanisms with in the UK, exploring the impact on bargaining outcomes and the efficacy of unions in engaging in this process. The impact of Brexit on these deals and local economies will also be explored.