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Unions 21
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9 in 10 trade unionists say media coverage of unions is too cynical

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Embargoed 24th November 0000

9 in 10 trade unionists say media coverage of unions is too cynical

Leading trade unionists and journalists will tonight discuss media bias against unions

Ahead of the event new Unions21 research carried out with 100 trade unionists shows there is a belief that the press is misinformed and biased towards unions:

-9 in 10 (92%) believe the British Media is too biased against unions

-89% believe the media is strongly or very strongly biased against unions.

-None of those surveyed believed there was a neutral or positive bias across the media.

-90% believe negative bias against unions is growing.

-29% of survey respondents gave journalists 3-out-of-10 for their knowledge of unions.

-Survey respondents believe unions could do better in their communication with the media: 40% gave unions marks 1-4 out of ten for their communications.

Sue Ferns Chair of Unions21 said:

“The way unions are represented in the media is a justifiable concern as we enter a period when their time under the spotlight is growing. Updating the image of the movement is one of the biggest union challenges not least because of the continuing use of tired old stereotypes.”

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