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TUG Bulletin for week ending 19th November 2010

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TUG Bulletin for week ending 19th November 2010

This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors.The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years and is based in Westminster. It aims to act as a bridge between unions and MPs.This bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Parliament that are of importance to the trade union movement.See links below for further details.

House of Commons

LegislationFixed-Term Parliaments Bill: 1st day of Committee stage. Read more…Employment Retention (Ten Minute Rule) Bill: first reading of John Robertson MP’s Bill, which aims to provide for a statutory right to an employment retention assessment to determine entitlement to a period of rehabilitation leave for newly disabled people. Read more…See the full list of Bills here…Ministerial StatementsWork and Pensions: on Pension Protection System (Administration Levies) and State Pension Credit Research Study. Read more…Skills for Sustainable Growth. Read more…DebatesNHS Reorganisation: the Shadow Secretary of State for Health, John Healey MP, criticises the Government’s reform agenda. Read more…Funding and Schools Reform: Andy Burnham MP, the Shadow Secretary of State for Education, in this opposition debate, explains that the Government reforms represent an ideological gamble with successful services. Read more… QuestionsEducation. Read more…Business, Innovation and Skills: see all questions and specially those questions on the Post Office Network and Apprenticeships. Read more… CommitteesBusiness, Innovation and Skills: Government Assistance to Industry. The TUC and The Work Foundation gave evidence on the second day. Read more…Education: the Role and Performance of Ofsted. Read more…Health: Evidence session on Commissioning. Read more…Work and Pensions: The Committee took evidence on 10th November from the Minister on Youth Unemployment and the Future Jobs Fund. Read more…See all Committees listed here… EDMsWork Experience Positions at the Home Office (No. 1017). Read more…See the full list of EDMs here… Parliament Live TVWatch committees and parliamentary debates online: See here…

House of Lords

LegislationParliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill: Motion: The Bill is divided into two main parts. Part 1 provides for a change to the electoral system from first-past-the-post to an alternative vote system. Part 2 introduces a whole new method for fixing the boundaries of constituencies. Read more (Motion) … Second Day. Read more…

QuestionsEducational Psychology: support for training of educational psychologists. Read more…Department of Health: Arm’s-Length Bodies: cost of organisational changes required to implement the proposals to reform non-departmental public bodies. Read more…

Next week in WestministerHouse of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Budget was published this week, the STUC forwarded these links: Draft Scottish Budget 2011-2012. Read more…Cabinet Secretary's statement. Read more…Equalities statement. Read more… Carbon Assessment of the Draft Budget 2011-12. Read more…

We welcome your comments for more information about the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs, please contact Frank Doran MP

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