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Unions 21
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Giving Members A Voice: A typology of member engagement

At a time when unions are in the spotlight more than they have been for years, this paper is about how unions communicate, how they find out what members think and how members can shape the work of the union.

The paper helps unions to explore the ways in which members are engaged. It aims to help unions develop their strategy for engaging with members and what aims they seek to achieve.

At their very core, trade unions are member organisations. This leads to the question, what are the ways in which members are engaged with their union? This paper helps unions to answer that question.

With member communication, like all forms of union activity, trade union leadership has to ask “what am I hoping to achieve and in what way will we get the best response?”

The member engagement typology is not about how to tell members things, it is about different ways of listening to members

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