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Trade Union Group of Labour MPs Bulletin for week ending Thursday 9 September 2010

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This is the weekly Unions 21 Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors. It is intended to keep trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Parliament that are of importance to the trade union movement.

House of Commons Legislation

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill: the Bill aims to change the 'first past the post' system for General Elections to the Alternative Vote system, provided this change is endorsed in a referendum on 5 May 2011 and boundary changes have been made to reduce the size of the House of Commons to 600.

Superannuation Bill: Clause 1 of this Bill would cap compensation payable under the Civil Service Compensation Scheme at a maximum of 12 months’ pay for compulsory redundancy and 15 months’ for voluntary exits.

Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill: the Second Reading of this Bill will be on Friday 22 October.


Education Expenditure (in Coventry).

Ministerial Statements

Business, Innovation and Skills Department: Investment in the Further Education. Read here.

Education: Vocational Education Review. Read here.


Health Questions included several questions on the implications of the Government's White Paper on the NHS.

Early Day Motions (EDMs)

EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by Government.

Recently tabled EDMs:

Performance of Network Rail (No. 600).

Labour Law in Iraq (No. 605).

Maximum Working Temperature (No. 630)

Bakers and Asthma (No 632)

Apprenticeships and Skills Training (No. 692)

Public Expenditure and Employment in the Construction Industry (No. 703).

See the full list of EDMs here...

Next week in Westminster

See next week in the House of Commons. Read more..

If you have friends or colleagues who would find this bulletin useful, please forward it to them or tell them to sign up at our website,, where you'll find calendars of forthcoming events, TUG's 'comment and debate' pages, and our archive and library (including previous weekly email bulletins).

We welcome your comments about this bulletin and the TUG website; please send these to

For more information about the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs, please contact Frank Doran MP.

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