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Trade Union Parliamentary Update

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House of CommonsLegislationLocalism Bill:this Bill, which aims to devolve greater powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities more control over housing and planning decisions, was back in the Commons this week, when Lords amendments were considered. See the latest here…See the full list of all Bills here…Ministerial StatementsHome:Strengthening Women’s Voices in Government. Read more…DebatesHigh Speed Rail:following publication of the Transport Committee Report, see the backbench debate here… Youth Unemployment:see Liam Byrne MP’s opposition day debate here…Social Care Funding:see the debate here…QuestionsScotland:see all questions including questions on the Construction Sector and also Unemployment here…Transport:see all questions including one on the funding of Local Railway Stations here…HinchingbrookeHospital: see Liz Kendall MP’s urgent question to the Minister on the decision to allow Circle to run the hospital here…CommitteesBusiness, Innovation and Science:the Committee says Government must deliver higher education reforms as a package. See the report here…Work and Pensions:the Committee took evidence this week from Iain Duncan Smith MP, the Secretary of State. Watch here… See all Committees listed here… Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by the Government.

  • Rebalancing the North Economy (No. 2393). Read more…

  • Cleaners’ Wages at Exchange Tower, Canary Wharf(No. 2411). Read more…

See the full list of EDMs here…

Parliament Live TVWatch PM Question Time, Committees and parliamentary debates online here...

House of Lords

LegislationHealth and Social Care Bill:see the various clauses and amendments and relevant debates 3rd day here… See 4th day here…Welfare Reform Bill:see the debates on the Committee’s 11th day here… and 12th day here…Education Bill:see a copy of the Bill and the various clauses being considered in Third Reading here…

QuestionsBBC: Licence Fee. Read more…

See all Business in the House of Lordshere...

Next week in Westminister

House of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…

Scottish Parliament For updates on the Scottish Parliament see here...Other Business

Briefings from Labour Shadow MinistersFrom time to time, Labour's shadow Ministers give updates to the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs. See the recent briefing from DEFRA Shadow Secretary of State Mary Creagh MP here...See the recent Labour Market Report from the TUC here…

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