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TU Group of MPs Bulletin

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House of Commons

LegislationPublic Bodies Bill: remaining stages. Read more here…See all Bills before the Westminster Parliament here…Ministerial StatementsBusiness, Innovation and Skills: Apprenticeships: update from the Minister. Read more…Transport: Rail Franchising. Read more…DebatesNational Referendum on the European Union. Watch the debate hereor read the debate here…Constitutional status of Scotland: see Tom Harris MP’s adjournment debate here…Business Rates in the North East: see Julie Elliot MP’s debate here…Community groups and the distribution of lottery funding: See Barbara Keeley MP’s debate here…Fire and Rescue Control Centres in the North West: see the debate here…NHS funding: Andy Burnham MP’s debate on the Government’s record on funding. Watch the debate here… See the opposition debate here…Funding from the public purse of trade union officials. Watch the adjournment debate here…BBC Local Radio: see the debate here…BAE Systems job losses in Lancashire: see Mark Hendrick MP’s debate here…NHS Care of Older People: see the backbench debate here…QuestionsWork and Pensions: see all questions, including questions on Youth Unemployment and the Work Programme. Read more…Business, Innovation and Skills: see all questions, including questions on Royal Mail and the Construction Industry. Read more…CommitteesSee all Committees listed here… EDMs

  • BBC Scotland (No. 2255). Read more…

  • Proposals to reduce or remove staff at station ticket offices (No. 2312). Read more…

See the full list of EDMs here…

Parliament Live TVWatch PM Question Time, Committees and parliamentary debates online here...

House of Lords

LegislationEducation Bill: see various clauses and amendments. See 2nd day here… See 3rd day here…Welfare Reform Bill: Committee stage. See 7th day here… See 8th day here…Health and Social Care Bill: Committee stage. See 1st day here…DebateEmployment: Baroness Prosser introduced this Labour debate on the changing world of employment. Read more… See all Business in the House of Lords here...

Next week in Westminister

House of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…

Scottish Parliament For updates on the Scottish Parliament see here...Other Business

See the latest from the TUC here...

This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin which is produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and is sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors.The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years, based in Westminster , it aims to act as a bridge between MPs and unions.The bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Westminster that are of importance to the trade union movement.

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