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TUG Bulletin for week ending 13 January 2011

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This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors. The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years. Based in Westminster, it aims to act as a bridge between unions and MPs. The bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Parliament that are of importance to the trade union movement.See links below for this week's updates.

House of Commons

LegislationPostal Services Bill:Report stage. Read more…See the full list of Bills here…Ministerial StatementsBP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling:the US report identifies the implications from this tragic incident in the gulf of Mexico which will be taken into account in the regulation of deep-water drilling in the UK. Read more…Equality Act: most of the provisions in the Act came into effect on 1 October 2010. This statement is about provisions which will come into effect on 6 April 2011. These provisions are sections 149-157 (on the public sector Equality Duty); and section 159 (positive action in recruitment and promotion) of the Act. Read more…Fire and Rescue Control Services:announcing a consultation on the future of fire and rescue control services in England. Read more…DebatesEducation Maintenance Allowance(Walsall North): this debate addressed the impact that the abolition of EMA will have on constituencies. Read more…Local Government Budgets. Read more…Communities and Local Government:debating the impact of the cuts. Read more…QuestionsWork and Pensions Department:see Monday’s questions here…Business, Innovation and Skills Department:see all questions here…CommitteesEducation:Ofsted Chief and other senior inspection officials, gave evidence to MPs on the Select Committee. See and read more here…Work and Pensions Committee:received evidence about child maintenance and child poverty. Read more … See all Committees listed here… Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by the Government.

See the full list of EDMs here… Parliament Live TVWatch committees and parliamentary debates online:

House of Lords

LegislationParliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill: Committee Stage (7th and 8th sittings). Read more…

Next week in Westminister

House of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…

Scottish Parliament

Scottish Parliamentary Business.

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