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TUG Bulletin for week ending 9 December 2010

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TUG Bulletin for week ending 9 December 2010

This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors. The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years. Based in Westminster, it aims to act as a bridge between unions and MPs. The bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Parliament that are of importance to the trade union movement.See links below for this week's updates. House of Commons

LegislationSee the full list of Bills here… Ministerial Statements

  • Work and Pensions: Disability Living Allowance Reform. Read more…

  • Transport: Rail Industry Review. Read more…

  • Business, Innovation and Skills: Higher Education Funding and Student Finance. Read more…

  • Housing and Local Government: Localism Bill and Social Housing. Read more…


  • Higher Education Student Fees. See the debatehere…

  • Local Government Funding: Unfair distribution and impact of cuts to local government funding. Read more…

  • Detention of Palestian Children (West Bank). Read more…



  • Communities And Local Government Committee to hold a short inquiry on the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity. Read more…

  • Health Committee held the fifth evidence session on Commissioning. Read more…

See all Committees listed here… Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by Government:

See the full list of EDMs here… Parliament Live TVWatch committees and parliamentary debates online:

House of Lords

LegislationParliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill: Second day of the Committee stage. Read more… See the Third day of the Committee and a copy of the Bill and related papers here…Superannuation Bill: Third Reading and debate. Read more… See a copy of the Bill and related papers here…

Next week in Westminister

House of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…

Scottish Parliament

Scottish Parliamentary Business.

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