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TUG Bulletin for week ending Thursday 21 October 2010

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This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors. It is intended to keep trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Parliament that are of importance to the trade union movement. See links below for further details. This bulletin is being emailed later than usual, on Monday, so the debate on John McDonnell MP's Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Private Members Bill can be included, see below.

House of Commons


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill: Committee stage.

Read the Day 2 debate here... Read the Day 3 debate here... Read the Day 4 debate here...

Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill:to win a closing motion it is necessary to have a minimum of 100 MPs voting. Unfortunately the Bill did not gain a Second Reading. Read more...

Bills before Parliament this session with latest amendments.

Comprehensive Spending Review

See the Chancellor's statement and the following debate here...


  • Railway Industry: Katy Clark MP's debate about the future of the railways. Read more...

  • Mutual and Co-operative Rail Franchise Bids: Gavin Shuker MP calls for re-examination of provision on the UK's passenger railways to be prioritised. Read more...


Work and Pensions. See all the questions here...


Agency Workers Regulations 2010:the Government will not be amending these regulations. Read more...


See all Committees here...

Early Day Motions (EDMs)

EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by Government.

Recently tabled EDMs:

See the full list of EDMs here...

Parliament Live TV -

See live and archived coverage of all UK Parliament proceedings taking place in public, including Prime Minister Questions, debates and committee meetings of both Houses. See here...

(latest version Windows Media Player will be needed to access).

House of Lords


Education: Special Education Needs.

Next week in Westminster

House of Commons. Read ...

House of Lords. Read ...

Other business

Spending Review will hit the poorest 15 times harder than the rich, says TUC. Read more...

If you have friends or colleagues who would find this bulletin useful, please forward it to them or tell them to sign up at our website,, where you'll find calendars of forthcoming events, TUG's 'comment and debate' pages, and our archive and library (including previous weekly email bulletins).

We welcome your comments about this bulletin and the TUG website; please send these to

For more information about the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs, please contact Frank Doran MP.

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