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TUG Bulletin from Westminster week ending 10 February 2011

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This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors.The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years. Based in Westminster, it aims to act as a bridge between unions and MPs.The bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Westminster that are of importance to the trade union movement.

House of Commons


  • Education Bill:see the Shadow Secretary of State, Andy Burnham MP’s contribution to the debate here…See a summary of the Bill here…

See the full list of Bills here… Debates

  • Housing Benefit in Scotland:Gregg McClymont MP is concerned about the consequences of the Government's choices on housing benefit and on local housing allowances. Read the debate…

  • Citizens Advice Bureaux (Birmingham):Jack Dromey MP asked why the CABs are to close, just when the people need somewhere to go for support and advice. Read the debate…

  • Onshore Wind Energy:see the update from Huw Irranca-Davies MP in this debate here…


  • Education:see all questions including Sure Start and EMA. Read more…

  • Energy and Climate Change:including questions on Wind Power. Read more…


  • Education:the recent report on Behaviour and Discipline in Schoolscalls for the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils. See the report here…

  • Health: Commissioning- see the list of those who gave evidence session here... Listen to the evidence here…

  • Transport:MPs questioned the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. See here…

  • Work and Pensions:See the Committee’s concerns on the Work Programme, also their call for evidence on the Government’s Pension Reforms and their questions on the Universal Credit White Paper here…

  • Foreign Affairs: BBC World Service Cuts:both BECTU and NUJ unions will be giving evidence at the session on 9 March, see more details here…

See all Committees listed here…Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by the Government.

See the full list of EDMs here…Parliament Live TVWatch committees and parliamentary debates online:

House of Lords


  • Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill:Report stage. See 1st day debate here… See the 2nd day debate here… See the 3rd day debate here…

  • Energy Bill:see the 6th day of Committee stage here…

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