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Weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs

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This is the weekly Parliamentary Bulletin produced by the Trade Union Group of Labour MPs and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors.The Trade Union Group of Labour MPs (TUG) has been established for many years. Based in Westminster, it aims to act as a bridge between unions and MPs.The bulletin keeps trade unionists and others aware of issues which are taking place in Westminster that are of importance to the trade union movement.

House of Commons

LegislationScotlandBill: the Committee on this Bill, which will implement the recommendations of the Calman Commission, had its first sitting this week. Read more…Welfare Reform Bill: this Bill aims to introduce a 'Universal Credit' to replace the existing means-tested benefits and tax credits for people of working age, starting from 2013. See the Second Reading debate and all relevant documents here…See the full list of Bills here… Ministerial StatementsEquality:Strengthening Women’s Voices in Government. Read more…Home Office:Worker Registration Scheme. Read more… DebatesArmed Forces (Pensions and Benefits): under their cuts agenda, the Government intends to link public sector pensions and benefits to the consumer price index rather than the retail price index. See the MP for Liverpool Walton, Steve Rotheram’s debate here…Disability Living Allowance. Read more…Health and Safety in the construction industry:See Jim Sheridan MP’s debate here…Housing Benefit:Dame Anne Begg MP, in her role as Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee, opened this debate to discuss the Committee report "Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget" and the Government response. Read more…See a copy of the Government response here…QuestionsHealth:see all questions put to the Minister, including those on the Public Health Duties of Local Authorities and GP Commissioning Consortia. Read more…Scotland:Read all the questions here…Transport:High Speed Rail and Local Authority Major Transport Schemes were among the issues highlighted. See all here…Women and Equalities:see all questions including those on Human Trafficking and Civil Partnerships on religious premises here… CommitteesEducation:the inquiry continues into services for young people. Watch this week’s evidence session here…Health:Commissioning - GPs and officials gave evidence. Watch here…Transport:Committee MPs call on car insurers to fund police unit to curb false personal injury claims. See here…See all Committees listed here… Early Day Motions (EDMs)EDMs provide an opportunity for MPs to put on record their opinion on issues of concern. They give an important indication of the views of MPs and are watched carefully by the Government.NHS Reforms (No. 1535). Read more…SSI takeover of Corus (No. 1536). Read more…Local Government Pension Scheme Employee Contribution Rise (No. 1538). Read more…International Women’s Day (No. 1541). Read more…See the full list of EDMs here…Parliament Live TVWatch Prime Minister question time, committees and parliamentary debates online:

House of Lords

LegislationPublic Bodies Bill:8th day of the committee stage. Read Lord Whitty’s debate on the merging of the Central Arbitration Committee and the Certification Office role here… See a copy of the Bill and all other relevant papers here…Postal Services Bill:1st day of the Committee for the Bill which proposes to sell off Royal Mail. Read more…

Grand CommitteeThe following Regulations were all considered this week:

Mesothelioma Lump Sum Payments (Conditions and Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

Occupational Pension Schemes (Levy Ceiling) Order 2011

Pension Protection Fund (Pension Compensation Cap) Order 2011

Financial Assistance Scheme (Revaluation and Indexation Amendments) Regulations 2011

Social Security (Reduced Rates of Class 1 Contributions, Rebates and Minimum Contributions) Order 2011

Next week in Westminister

House of Commons. Read more…House of Lords. Read more…

The TUC’s ‘March for the Alternative’will be on Saturday 26th March: for more information and to register as a steward see here…

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